Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Truly Free Scrapbooking Event. Really.

I know, it sounds like one of those titles that over promises just to get you to read it, but this is the real deal. Remember my last post about Lain's scrapbooking business soon to break six figures? Well Lain just notified me that she is offering a free, live online event on October 2nd. It's called October's scrapinar and Lain says:

"We are welcoming Jennifer Woodbury, a creative team member for Becky Higgins' Project Life, as she shares "Project Life Step-by-Step." Whether you're a dedicated Project Life participant, a newcomer to the concept, or a complete "I have no idea what you're talking about" neophyte, this f-r-e-e event will whet your appetite for scrapbooking and help you figure out how to fit Project Life in your schedule.

The event is scheduled for October 2, 2012. If you can't join live, as always, they will be having a replay event -- but you MUST pre-register!

If you've been curious about how the True Scrap event works in October,(that's the one I spoke about in the previous blog), then this is a perfect time to check out the webroom risk-free! Join them on Oct. 2 2012 -- and invite a friend!"

Go there now, it really is free! Here is the link:

Click here to view more details

You can also go to my website at Creative Cards 4U and see more information on our scrapbooking page.

Join our Newsletter for even more great business tips and specials!

This is an awesome opportunity to learn not only a lot about scrapbooking, but to also pay attention to good methods for developing and driving your own business. It is just another idea that someone is putting into practice to make extra income with their passion for handmade crafts. Go there and take some action of your own. If you missed the link, here it is again:

Click here to view more details

Best Wishes,


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Six Figure Scrapbooking?

Scrap booking has been joked about by the "make money online" community for a long time. I am here to tell you about Lain, who's scrapbook "hobby" is about to break six figures for her. To me there is a lot of fun in turning your arts, crafts and any other creative abilities into a successful money making business, but I assure you it is no joke. I will include a link to Lain's business at the end of this article, I am proud to affiliate with such a wonderful, creative person.

Lain is a success story, smart and hard working. She was a freelance journalist focusing in the high tech marketing industry, but had a passion for scrap booking inspired by her kids. With the dot com bubble burst in 2000, that work started to become slow. She took her writing skills and coupled with her love of scrapbooking started writing for a scrapbooking magazine. She was doing well again and building a following when suddenly our next economic disaster occurred and the magazine she worked for folded.

Lain then decided to start doing what she did for the scrapbooking magazine, but for herself instead. She had a blog and built a community through sharing ideas and encouragement. She read and took business courses and developed strategies to build her hobby into a business. She came up with an idea that no one else is doing in the scrapbooking world that I know of. It's a live online 2 day interactive classroom with 15 experts sharing ideas,tips and inspiration. You experience a community atmosphere and the feeling of being part of something bigger. It' a wonderful event that gives so much.

Here is the link to her business:

Click here to view more details

With Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas on the way this scrapbooking resource will certainly elevate your creative application of all those great family photos you will be taking this season. I highly recommend participation in this event as it will flood your mind with creative ideas for your personal life and for your business development. It's October 19-20th 2012, with a special savings for those who register by September 30th. Hope to see you there!

I want to give a special thanks and credit to Pat Flynn of as the source for my discovery of Lain and her story. His podcast is well worth listening to if you want honest, transparent information on business development.
Thanks Pat!