Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Handmade Greeting Cards, Give to Get

Oops, I accidentally moved this post to my drafts. It is one of my most popular with over 1,400 views so I wanted to be sure and get it back on the blog again.

When marketing your handmade greeting cards or arts and crafts, remember 'Give to Get'.  Giving away your cards is a wonderful way to get exposure and create good will.  When we first started our business I met a man who was a fund raising events promoter.  It came up in conversation that he was having a private party in a Manhattan hotel for about 15 people.  I offered to make his invitations for him at no charge, he was thrilled.  Upon receiving the invitations, he was very pleased and he invited me to display as many cards as I liked around the hotel suite for his guest to view during the party.  To our pleasure, Kathy Hilton ended up being the receipient of one of our cards and the party led to quite a wonderful response.

Your product is your best advertisement so never think of giving them away as an expense you can't afford.  Believe in your Art and your talent and give without the expectation of anything in return .  Remeber most mass produced items are discarded relatively quickly, anything handmade usually stays around for quite some time.  The products you have given out are likely to be 'out there' working on your behalf for a long time.

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Best Wishes,


PS Visit my handmade card website right here.